Case Study - Chichester High School 

Project: Chichester High School 
Client: West Sussex County Council 
Program: 20 Weeks 

Location & Overview 

The Chichester High School Project was located in a residential area in the centre of Chichester, the site had residential properties adjacent to two elevation of the site & the access road & sports field to the currently active secondary school on the other elevations. Access to the site was via Kingsham Road & time restrictions for transport movements were placed on the project to ensure the safe passage for the pupils accessing & egressing the school. The boundary of the site was secured by means of solid panel hoarding & during the installation an arboriculturist was present to ensure that the roots of the protected trees on the front elevation of the site were not damaged. Due to the nature of the buildings & the surrounding land on the site bat investigation works had to be carried out on all of the building under the close supervision of an ecologist & ecological investigations had to be carried out on the surrounding grounds. The various buildings on the site consisted of some single-storey & two-storey brick & timber-built structures, high-level steel frame & brick buildings as well as four air-raid shelters of historic interest. All structures to be demolished were identified to contain various types of non-notifiable licenced & notifiable licenced asbestos materials which had to be removed prior to strip out or demolition works commencing. 


Portsmouth Demolition & Salvage undertook the role of principal contractor & were responsible for all notifications to the local authorities to undertake the works & ensure the isolations of the services were carried out prior to works commencing on the site. Our management team attended pre-contract meeting with the client (West Sussex County Council) & the management organisation (Faithful Gould) to discuss the restrictions & requirements placed upon the project. The parameters for the project were discussed during the meetings & methods of compliance, safe systems & a detailed phase plan were developed by Portsmouth Demolition & Salvage. 
Typical requirements included: 
• Bat investigation & ecological surveys. 
• Tree protection. 
• Historical interest assessments. 
• Asbestos management & removal. 
• Protection of the public & students. 
• Control of noise & dust. 
• Traffic management. 
• Restricted work hours & transport movements. 

Bespoke Works & Challenges 

Prior to works commencing solid panel hoarding had to be erected alongside the elevation of the school’s road & pedestrian access route, also across the front elevation of the site where protected trees & roots had been identified. The installation of the hoarding was planned & carried out in a manner to ensure the access for the students & the school road access was not disrupted, an arboriculturist was in attendance whilst the installation took place around the protected tree area to ensure the roots of the trees were not damaged. 
Bat investigation works were carried out on the roofs of the buildings under the close watch of an ecologist, this provided a unique challenge as the roof had been positively identified to contain asbestos roof slates & asbestos insulation board within the roof space of the buildings. Cat B asbestos & PASMA trained operatives worked from MEWPS to carefully remove the roof slates following HSE guidelines & the CAR Regulations 2012, openings were created in the roofs & the roof board in various locations on all the structures. Once the openings had been created & the ecologist was satisfied not bats were present, the openings had to been covered & weather proofed to ensure the asbestos materials in the roof area did not deteriorate & could be removed under controlled conditions. Further ecological investigation works were carried out on the surrounding grounds of the site & an area was cordoned off to ensure the habitat for newts, slow worms etc was not damaged. 
Historical recordings were carried out within all the buildings & the air raid shelters to establish the extent of the historical interested contained within the structures, the decision was made that none of the building were profiled with a grade listing & did not need to remain. 
Portsmouth Demolition’s 360-excavator fitted with a selector grab attachment carried out the demolition of a detached brick & timber-built structure which obstructed the access to all other areas of the site. Under the guidance of banksman & the watch of the supervisor, the 360-operative carried out progressive demolition of the structures by removing sections of the roof followed by the demolition of the internal & perimeter walls onto the footprint of the building. Throughout the demolition the waste materials were segregated into their individual waste streams & any salvageable timber was set aside to reduce waste materials going to landfill sites. Once the initial structure had been demolished down to slab level, crushed materials were imported to site as crushing on site was prohibited, the materials were used to create an access road to all other areas of the site. 
West Sussex County Council have a requirement that all asbestos works, licenced or non-licenced works must be carried out by a licenced contractor, Portsmouth Demolition appointed a licenced asbestos sub-contractor to undertake the removal of all the identified asbestos materials. The asbestos removal works & the soft strip of the building had to be planned to work in conjunction with each other, Portsmouth Demolitions & Salvages Cat B asbestos trained operatives soft stripped the structures in a controlled manner to enabling the asbestos contractor to undertake theirs works following the procession of the strip out works. The site manager closely monitored the strip out & asbestos works to ensure the works were carried out under controlled conditions in line with the HSE guidelines & the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The asbestos removal areas were created incorporating entire wings of the main structure, this allowed other works to commence on other areas of the site as the removal works progressed. On completion of the asbestos removal works on each wing of the building the licenced contractor issued Portsmouth Demolition & Salvage with air-clearance & reoccupation certification & consignment notes, enabling the mechanical demolition works to commence & progress following the removal works. 
Following the internal strip out & asbestos removal works, scaffolding was erected around the perimeter of the structure to enable access to the external roof areas. The asbestos contractor carried out the removal of the asbestos roof slates working from roof ladders & passing the slates to operatives on the scaffolding to place into a designated waste container. The contractor carried out the removal process on each wing of the structure consecutively allowing separation works & mechanical demolition works to be carried following the asbestos removal works minimising the duration on the project. 
Prior to works commencing solid panel hoarding had to be erected alongside the elevation of the school’s road & pedestrian access route, also across the front elevation of the site where protected trees & roots had been identified. The installation of the hoarding was planned & carried out in a manner to ensure the access for the students & the school road access was not disrupted, an arboriculturist was in attendance whilst the installation took place around the protected tree area to ensure the roots of the trees were not damaged. 
Bat investigation works were carried out on the roofs of the buildings under the close watch of an ecologist, this provided a unique challenge as the roof had been positively identified to contain asbestos roof slates & asbestos insulation board within the roof space of the buildings. Cat B asbestos & PASMA trained operatives worked from MEWPS to carefully remove the roof slates following HSE guidelines & the CAR Regulations 2012, openings were created in the roofs & the roof board in various locations on all the structures. Once the openings had been created & the ecologist was satisfied not bats were present, the openings had to been covered & weather proofed to ensure the asbestos materials in the roof area did not deteriorate & could be removed under controlled conditions. Further ecological investigation works were carried out on the surrounding grounds of the site & an area was cordoned off to ensure the habitat for newts, slow worms etc was not damaged. 
Historical recordings were carried out within all the buildings & the air raid shelters to establish the extent of the historical interested contained within the structures, the decision was made that none of the building were profiled with a grade listing & did not need to remain. 
Portsmouth Demolition’s 360-excavator fitted with a selector grab attachment carried out the demolition of a detached brick & timber-built structure which obstructed the access to all other areas of the site. Under the guidance of banksman & the watch of the supervisor, the 360-operative carried out progressive demolition of the structures by removing sections of the roof followed by the demolition of the internal & perimeter walls onto the footprint of the building. Throughout the demolition the waste materials were segregated into their individual waste streams & any salvageable timber was set aside to reduce waste materials going to landfill sites. Once the initial structure had been demolished down to slab level, crushed materials were imported to site as crushing on site was prohibited, the materials were used to create an access road to all other areas of the site. 
West Sussex County Council have a requirement that all asbestos works, licenced or non-licenced works must be carried out by a licenced contractor, Portsmouth Demolition appointed a licenced asbestos sub-contractor to undertake the removal of all the identified asbestos materials. The asbestos removal works & the soft strip of the building had to be planned to work in conjunction with each other, Portsmouth Demolitions & Salvages Cat B asbestos trained operatives soft stripped the structures in a controlled manner to enabling the asbestos contractor to undertake theirs works following the procession of the strip out works. The site manager closely monitored the strip out & asbestos works to ensure the works were carried out under controlled conditions in line with the HSE guidelines & the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The asbestos removal areas were created incorporating entire wings of the main structure, this allowed other works to commence on other areas of the site as the removal works progressed. On completion of the asbestos removal works on each wing of the building the licenced contractor issued Portsmouth Demolition & Salvage with air-clearance & reoccupation certification & consignment notes, enabling the mechanical demolition works to commence & progress following the removal works. 
Following the internal strip out & asbestos removal works, scaffolding was erected around the perimeter of the structure to enable access to the external roof areas. The asbestos contractor carried out the removal of the asbestos roof slates working from roof ladders & passing the slates to operatives on the scaffolding to place into a designated waste container. The contractor carried out the removal process on each wing of the structure consecutively allowing separation works & mechanical demolition works to be carried following the asbestos removal works minimising the duration on the project. 
Prior to the mechanical demolition works being carried out on the main structure, a structural survey was carried to ascertain the supporting elements of the building to enable separation works to be carried out. This allowed mechanical demolition to be undertaken in conjunction with ongoing asbestos removal works on without presenting & risk to the asbestos contractor. 
The 360-excavator fitted with a selector grab attachment commenced the demolition of the main structure on a separated wing at the furthest point from the ongoing asbestos removal works, the 360-operative demolished the wing progressively in a piecemeal fashion following a progressive methodology. Under the direction of the supervisor & the watch of banksman, the 360-operative carefully removed sections of the boarded roof & setting the timber aside for salvage. Once the roof had been removed the 360-operative demolished the masonry walls onto the footprint of the building, any waste materials, metal & timber was removed from the masonry & placed into designated waste containers. The 360-operative levelled of the demolished masonry enabling the demolition works to progress from the structure’s footprint, water suppression units were used to control the dust produce during the demolition & monitoring for noise & dust was carried out throughout the works. All works on site had to be meticulously planned & executed to ensure the limited pedestrian & transport access routes were maintained throughout the project. 
On request of the client the electric services contained within three areas of the site had to remain live up to the main switchboards, Portsmouth demolition appointed a competent qualified contractor to isolate the services & then Portsmouth Demolition operatives installed protective measures & whether proofing around the services. Trained operatives carried out careful hand demolition works on the structures around the services to create a clear divide to enable mechanical demolition works to be carried out safely on the remaining sections of the structures. No crushing was allowed on site so as each structure was demolished the masonry was loaded into lorries for removal from site to a recycling facility, some masonry was kept on site for the backfilling of a basement area & to fill the voids created from the demolition of the air raid shelters. 
All works were carried out within pre-programmed duration, without any incidents or accidents & on budget. 
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